By Heather Grace, IPJ Staff Writer

Speak Up! Sept 9 is #PainRealityDay

For far too long, those of us who live with chronic and intractable pain have spent a great deal of time hidden away, behind closed doors—especially when the pain becomes overwhelming. It’s time to change that! Please join us in sharing what it’s really like on a typical day of a life lived in pain.

Show the world what it’s really like to live with chronic pain by being part of the 1st Annual Pain Reality Day—YOU are invited! Join us via social media all day 9/9/15, using hashtag: #PainRealityDay. This new social media event will take place every year on September 9th as part of the annual Pain Awareness Month campaign.

It’s time to tear down the walls that have separated us from the “normal” world for far too long—to finally fight the misconceptions about pain patients with a healthy dose of truth! Are you brave enough to snap a few pics or a quick video that shows the unshowered, PJ-clad reality of one of those days when you’re just too damn sick to step outside & pretend everything’s ok?

Good! So am I! Why? The world needs to see our puffy-eyed, slightly disheveled excruitiating truth! Maybe then, people will think before they once again brazenly say: “you don’t look sick” (or whisper it, behind our backs). They need to know what it’s like to hurt so badly you can hardly breathe, much less go out into the world and brave another difficult day among the misinformed masses.

They need to know how tough it is to be seriously ill yet seen as a lazy, possibly drug-addicted pill popper. They need to feel the indignity each of us has felt, as we beg doctor after doctor to respond appropriately to our cries for help. They need to understand the anguish of losing an entire support system one person at a time when you need them most—your best friend, your mother, your significant other.

Only someone like YOU, who has suffered one unthinkable chronic pain-fueled tragedy after another, can tell the world what it’s like to slowly fade into invisibility but still be fighting to be believed. So, let’s finally say the things that must be said. Let’s unite as we open the doors to the private hell of the pain patient. We need to be heard just as much as they need to listen!

You’re invited to share each and every raw, real, enlightening truth about your pain during the inaugural Pain Reality Day, September 9th via Twitter, Facebook, your blog or the social media app of your choice. Don’t forget to include the hashtag: #PainRealityDay with each post!

Oh, and feel free to share this event with *everyone* you know who’s impacted by chronic pain:

All About #PainRealityDay

Show the world what it’s really like to live w/ Chronic Pain—all day 9/9/15, the 1st Annual Pain Reality Day, via the Internet. This is an advocacy event that will take place across the whole of the web—every blog, Twitter account, YouTube video and Facebook page belonging to people impacted by pain. Don’t forget to add the hashtag #PainRealityDay to each post, video or blog entry!

Who’s in? Please join us, but don’t forget to share this event with *everyone* you know who is impacted by pain patients, caregivers, health professionals, advocates, loved ones, the media! Share it via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. This day, 9/9 is for everyone who is advocating for better treatment of all pain patients. Tell everyone to visit for all the details!

What should you share? Any information that expresses YOUR Pain Reality… people need to understand we are just like anyone else with chronic illness invading every aspect of our lives—except that we are also persecuted for our condition. Tell them how it feels to have the people you love most suddenly not support/understand you, or worse—believe you’re lying/exaggerating our your condition. Explain how Healthcare professionals have treated you, just for wanting the help you need to get better. Tell the world how you have had to set aside your feelings/dignity far too many times as people mistreated you for being sick.

If you’re like me, you’ve lost a great deal to your illness:

  • your career/ability to work a “normal” job
  • your social circle-because you can’t just hang out with friends whenever you want
  • relationships with people you thought would be there ‘no matter what’
  • your home & any semblance of financial security
  • access to the quality of healthcare you could once afford

Express how it feels to lose a great deal of what made you you & to suddenly be dealing with your serious health issues alone. Or if you’re lucky and have family support, share how you have to meet familial obligations/expectations by pretending you’re well enough to do/be what they expect you to… often by pushing yourself/overdoing it/making yourself more ill.

How should you share? Via any social media app (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) or your very own blog/vlog—using the hashtag #PainRealityDay. TIP: Using short video clips/vlogs, audio clips or photos are great ways to share your pain reality, in addition to text posts.

Get as personal as you feel comfortable! Remember, #PainRealityDay is about making the world see us for who we really are! So, feel free to openly share all the ways pain challenges you & has made your everyday life different than it once was—before the pain. Got a famous quote from someone who lived with pain helps express how you feel? Or a psinting from a tortured artist? Those are also great ways to express your journey!

Share as many times as you’d like on September 9th, on any social media app… So long as you use the hashtag #PainRealityDay, your story will be connected to this important event. We will be hosting/sharing everyone’s posts via & on this blog. Note: The site is still being worked on, so for now it’s just this introductory information that’s been posted, but more is coming very soon!

When on September 9th? #PainRealityDay is all day long, so join in whenever you are ready! We will start at 12:01am and end at 11:59pm your time. Anytime you feel up to it, throughout the day, share aspects of your world with chronic pain via #PainRealityDay!

People need to see our reality, so please join me in sharing it! YOU are invited… to share our common reality and unite with all of the people who are just like you, on 9/9. In the meantime, spread the word about September 9th — Pain Reality Day, by using the hashtag #PainRealityDay! Feel free to link to this page and to the event on Facebook, as listed above. Can’t wait to ‘see’ you all there!

About The Author

Heather Grace is an Intractable Pain Sufferer, Writer & Advocate. She’s Co-Director of the 501c3 nonprofit Intractable Pain Patients United (, has been a Speaker/Conference Planner at For Grace’s ( annual Women in Pain Conference and is a Pain Ambassador for the U.S. Pain Foundation (

© 2011-2015 Intractable Pain Journal & Heather Grace. All rights reserved.